Sister Margaret Fagbamigbe, SSMA, ’93
I was one of the four Nigerians who came to study in 1989. We were picked from the airport by the University’s van and were given a first-class warm welcoming. During our congregational feast, Father Michael Scanlan, TOR, was always present. The lectures prepared me for onward studies in theology. Happy anniversary to us.
Sister Margaret Fagbamigbe, SSMA, ’93 served as her congregation’s novice mistress for eight years and as Mother General between 2010 and 2015. She also served as director of the School of Pastoral Institute in Ibadan, Nigeria, between 2015 and end of 2018. She enrolled in the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, in 2019 for her PhD in dogmatic theology, which she is hoping to finish by April 2022.