Autumn 2009
We asked our early alumni to share memories of student jobs. Who would have thought working your way through college could be so much fun!
I worked part time in the main office at the then “College.” Among other duties, I operated the phone switchboard (no such thing in today’s world). I also worked at the Hub Department Store in Steubenville, and since I did my student teaching in my junior year, I was able to get a teaching job (second grade, full time) in my senior year and take the few classes I needed at night! At that time, they needed teachers! —Liz (Gribbin ’62) Parr
I worked for the Department of Education with Ms. Psaroudis as a typist on an electric typewriter in the prehistoric days before Microsoft! The letters had to be without any errors. I retyped some letters three times! Typing is so much easier now. —Carol (Stasiulewicz ’69) Ekonomides
In my junior year (1971-72), I was the Baron mascot for the basketball team. We would drive from campus to downtown Steubenville in a convertible and encourage people to attend games at St. John Arena. I only did it for one year, and I don’t think anyone replaced me. It is quite possible I was the first and last Steubenville Baron. At least that is the legend, as told by yours truly.
—Skip Plesnarski ’73
One summer, I cleaned buildings to ready them for the fall. Two of us were assigned to work in Christ the King Chapel, and I was curious about a stairway that curved out of sight. I climbed up, opened the door, and stepped inside, to find that I was in the bell tower—and trapped—because the door wouldn’t open from the inside! There really were no bells, but rather two huge speakers. I realized that if those chimes went off, I might lose my hearing. I looked out the grill at the people walking below and tried to figure out a way to call for help that would neither scare them nor be too embarrassing for me. But I was saved when my work partner came searching for me. As he opened the door, I grabbed it so that it wouldn’t trap us again, and we got out of there fast.
—John Robinson ’71
I wanted to work in sports after graduation, so I asked Hank Kuzma if I could work in his office to get experience for my resume. Coach also hired Carole Kirkendall to work in the office and the three of us made a great team. We got along great, and I learned so much from both of them during that year. I was also a Spirit Leader, so I was at every Barons game, and it was great to watch Coach in action. The next day, he would answer questions I had about why he called certain plays in the game. I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything. And it must’ve paid off because I did get a job in professional sports … I’ve been working for the Pittsburgh Pirates now for 25 years! —Karen (Finnegan ’79) Gallagher
My student employment was shared between the Admissions Office and the J. C. Williams Center. Whether it was getting paper cuts stuffing a mailing in Admissions, getting hand cramps from signing orientation letters for Faustyna (Januszkiewicz ’78) Fatula, working summer conferences at the front desk, or working the checkout in the snack bar for Bob Ruday, you always felt like you were appreciated and contributing to an important project. I learned so much from each of them about work ethic and respect. —Janet Cox ’82
Back in the day I was privileged enough to work at the new J. C. Williams Center in the concession area….My off-campus job was with the Jefferson County Community Mental Health Center. This, too, was work-study through the College, and it resulted in my going into the mental health field. It so impressed me to see how people could be helped to manage and work through problems. I am so grateful to have had that opportunity. These were very special years for all of us who attended what was called Steubie U. —JoAnn (Locascio ’73) Green
I worked the door in Marian dorm. This meant I slept on the couch in the front lounge and opened the door for any student who did not get home before the doors were locked. If I recall correctly, this was about 1:00 a.m. on the weekends. What a fun job. The things we did in the ’80s. I bet everyone has a key to the building now! —Patricia (Hollenstein ’83) Hill, MS
Originally published in the Autumn 2009 Baronette newsletter.